Ok, ok, I know!!! It has been a long time since I blogged. But in all fairness Mike got a way better response then I ever did, but I decided that if I had to wait for him to blog again we'd have a 5 year old by then...Just kidding!!
So in the last month we have been up to a lot. When we arent working down in Provo we are trying to get out, do some fun things and plan the wedding. I think we are getting there. I talked to the florist and figured out a rough estimate of how we want our cake. I took Mike to the site of the ceremony and he said he really likes it! I cant wait for July 3rd. It doesnt feel like it can come quick enough!!
We went to the zoo with Curt, Colleen and CJ a few weeks ago, and had a blast! That little boy loves trains and his new Uncle Mike! Once CJ learned Mike's name I think he forgot how to say mine. Everynow and then he'll take me if his Mike is not available. I'll make sure to post some pictures from the zoo trip as soon as I get them.
Mike and I went to Boondocks the family fun center that night and had a ball!! We raced on the slick track and Mike beat me on the last lap...I dont know what happened...But anyway...I came out ahead on the minigolf coarse by one whopping stroke. YAY ME!! and then my awesome fiance got a bright idea to take me on a flight simulator....Not such a bright idea after all!! I dont want to jade anyones opinions of the simulator but by the end of the LONGEST 2:14 sec of my life I was going to vomit and Mike wasnt looking that hot either...Which we figured meant we were just in time for some video games...LOL! We had a really great day together and as soon as it stops snowing(stupid Utah) we plan on going back again... I need a rematch on the slick track.