Friday, August 20, 2010

A little piece of mind....

So after a lot of talking with my dr here in E-town and the specialist and neither of them being able to agree on a solution or attack plan for all the kidney issues I was fed up!! Mike and I saw our dr in Walmart (Mike's favorite place to be) and we updated her on the specialist visit. She decided to have us see a perinatologist.

We made the drive to Provo and met with Dr Guier(spelling?) She was FANTASTIC!!! We got a lot of answers and most important a game plan. They do everything with an ultrasound you could want. First we had an ultrasound tech for about an hour telling us what we were looking at and then the greatest thing ever......We got to see little Cayson in 3D!!

So now we are looking at 7-12 weeks left until he is here. The deciding factor will be how close I am getting to the point of "no return" LOL! So that could be anywhere as early as Oct 5th and as late as Nov 9th!